Texas Southern University Confucius Institute Held annual board meeting at Texas Southern University in 2018

March 28th , 2018

On March 27th, 2018, the vice president of Beijing Jiaotong University, Guan Zhongliang, led all the delegations of Beijing Jiaotong University to the Texas Southern University for an exchange of visits and held the 2018 annual board meeting of the TSU Confucius Institute to discuss the cooperation between the two universities. Austin A Lane, President of Texas Southern University, Kendall T Harris, Dean, Gregory H. Maddox, International Director and Graduate Dean And Dianne Jemison Pollard, Dean of Dean’s College, Merlin Pitre, Dean of the School of Humanities, and Jason Oby, Assistant Dean and Director of Music, Dean of Business School Dean John H Williams, Dean of School of Communication Dean Maurice Odine, Former Dean of the Institute of Science and Technology, Prof. Yu Lei of Cheung Kong Scholar, Beijing Jiaotong University, Transportation Department of Chinese Academy of Arts and other famous Chinese professor Marylise Caussinus attended the meeting and exchanged discussions.

Vice President Guan Zhongliang briefed the participants on the delegation of Beijing Jiaotong University; Yan Xuedong, Director of the International Exchange Division and Dean of the School of Language and Communication; Dean and Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering; Hua Guowei, Vice President of the Institute of Economic Management; Deputy Director of International Education Exchange Center Director Tan Jie, Director of Department of Foreign Languages, School of Humanities. This is also the representative team of the Beijing Jiaotong University annual board meeting who has come for the first time since the establishment of the Confucius Institute

President Austin Lane, President Guan Zhongliang, Dean of Kendall Harris, International Director of Sino-Foreign International Yan Xuedong and Gregory Maddox, Deputy Director of Beijing Jiaotong University International Education Exchange Center Tan Jie and TSU Confucius Institute He will discuss the development plan, the final accounts, and the next five-year plan for the Confucius Institute. In-depth discussion of 2018 educator's visit to China and summer camp related matters to discuss. We will establish a China Research Center at Texas Southern University and conduct communications and consultations on issues such as economic management, electrical engineering, language and communication, and professional student exchanges and teacher visits.