TSUCI Service Team Worked Voluntarily in HISD

September 12, 2017

On September 12, the Chinese director of Texas Southern University Confucius Institute (TSUCI) along with the teaching and volunteer staff. Dr. Xiao Yi along with Chinese professor Dr. Hu, and the accompanying staff of the Confucius Institute volunteered at Delmar Stadium assisting HISD. They helped to organize donations from all over the country.

TSUCI set up four Confucius Classrooms in HISD this year and dispatched volunteer teachers to take charge of Chinese classes. When Chinese director Dr. Yi knew that HISD needed volunteers to collect and move donations, she promptly organized volunteer teachers and Chinese teachers to assist as a service team at Delmar Stadium.

Though Hurricane Harvey has left, recovery effort continues. Many local districts had to delay school opening dates due to the damage caused by Harvey. HISD played an integral role to help families that had been devastated by the Hurricane. Social work department of HISD organized all volunteer services provided at Delmar, including receiving, collecting, transporting and distributing goods and services. There were varieties of goods received, new items such as: school bags, pencils, notebooks and glues in the donations.

TSUCI volunteer service team was responsible for collecting and categorizing items. Their roles consisted of categorizing items. The team was highly praised by the staff and other volunteers even to the extent of being coined the Santa Group by all the surrounding volunteers.

TSUCI volunteer staff stood courageous as the tasks given mounted and the work continued to role in. The staff saw the need to help their fellow man and continued on with fervor and excellence as they were regarded as one of the hardest working groups at Delmar

Dr. Michelle Burke who worked in HISD social work department asked TSUCI volunteer teachers to teach Chinese during the event. When he was leaving, he said “Thank you” in Chinese. Foreign staff had praise for the TSUCI through the entirety of the event. At that moment, their hearts were lifted and they fought on through fatigue to accomplish the tasks given to them.

With the dedication and attention to detail the TSUCI staff won favor and friendship with the local educational district. The praise given by HISD Social Workers hinted at a future friendship with China and their language giving praise for Dr. Yi’s quick thinking and staffs drive to help their fellow man. TSUCI always adheres to “high standard and strict requirements” work style to strive to be the leading Confucius Institute in the Southern United States