International Conference--"academic perspective of globalization in China"
November 30, 2016
November 30, 2016, the theme of "academic perspective of globalization in China" the international academic conference has being held at the President's Lounge of Texas Southern University students center. The symposium was sponsored by Texas Southern University Confucius Institute (TSUCI) and supported by Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) and Beijing Jiaotong University.

The International Conference on "Globalization in China from an Academic Perspective" was chaired by Roger Hart, Professor of History and the foreign director of TSUCI. Prof. Li Huaiyin, Dean of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, Professor Cong Xiaoping, Department of History, University of Houston, Professor Taylor Jon R, Dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Jiaotong University Professor Yi Xiao, the foreign director of TSUCI made a speach.
Professor Li Huaiyin, Dean of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, said that China's reform and opening-up has made great achievements in the past 30 years since China's tradition and national conditions. As it is China's modernization.
Professor Cong Xiaopin from the University of Houston history made a comparission from the "revival of the road" large-scale music and dance epic, with "Oriental Red", "Chinese revolutionary song" to the founding of New China, when appeared the first two music and dance epic. In contrast, we re-understand the continuous growth and progressthe of Chinese Communist Party, which is a ruling party in the history and nowadays.

Dr. Taylor Jon R, professor of the University of Houston at St. Thomas, explained the four aspects of China 's "One belt one way" from the perspective of an American scholar: What is "One belt one way" and why "One belt one way"and the challenges of constructing the"One belt one way".

Dr. Roger Hart expounded his own unique perspective from the critique of the Western scientific and historical view of "Western science". He believes that since science is the humanity's, and we should study science from pratical value rather than "Western Center" value.

Professor Yang Wei, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Beijing Jiaotong University, as an expert in the study of Chinese philosophy, she explained four aspects of the ancient Chinese concept of harmony and its modern significance, which from the ancient Chinese concept of harmony on the source and analysis of the concept of harmony and the relationship between man and nature, harmonious concept of social construction and harmonious concept The significance of human development in .

Prof. Yi Xiao gave a speech on the product design from the perspective of product design, analyzed the exchange of Chinese and Western products on the ancient Silk Road. Through the high-speed rail, large aircraft and Mozi satellites, Innovative products introduction, combined with "One belt one way", she analyzed in the new way of silk products on the possibility of exchange. introduced to the world of China's strength from the design point of view of Huawei, Baidu and millet and other representative enterprises of the products, .

In addition to the presentation of their academic achievements and research experiences, the experts also had a lot of in-depth discussions and exchanges with the teachers and students on the academic issues. Experts believe that such a special academic conference will help the United States mainstream understanding of China's objective and contribute to Sino-US exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.