Confucius Star Continues to Shine

Oct 23, 2015

Francis Vazquez, now alumnus of TSU, joined the Confucius Institute fall semester of 2013 enrolling in Mandarin language classes on campus. As he excelled in the classroom, Francis then accepted the opportunity in the summer of 2014 to study abroad in China under the Confucius Institute. Francis stated, “ I studied abroad in China to strengthen my language skills. At the time, I believed China would become the largest economy in the world, and I was right.”

On October 23, 2015, Vazquez received a scholarship along with the opportunity to share his knowledge of Chinese language and experiences at the annual Houston chapter US-China People Friendship Association (USCPFA) gala. Here, local residents and ambassador’s fellowship to commemorate the friendship between the two countries. Francis, now a TSU law student, spoke about the importance of studying abroad by saying “as a student of any major, you will be competing against many students with better grades and comparable backgrounds. One of the best ways to differentiate yourself is to study abroad. Take advantage of all the opportunities the university has to offer. If you do not invest in yourself, who will?”

Francis has recently accepted an internship with the Department of State and has been chosen as 2015 All-Star Student Ambassador for the White House Initiative on HBCUs. We here at the Confucius Institute congratulate Francis Vazquez on all of his accomplishments as he continues to soar on his path to success.