Business Chinese

This course is designed for people with no prior Chinese language experience. This non-credit course helps develop the participants’ oral skills for self-expressions at an elementary level with a focus on business Chinese. Guided practices in professional conversation are led by course instructors to enhance communicative and cultural competence. Small group discussions on working with the Chinese are conducted as well. This course will also develop participants’ cultural awareness of general topics on China. The book being used for Business Chinese will be provided to you during the first class.
This course includes business Chinese I and business Chinese II, which combines language study with the practice of actual business activities. Example topics to be covered include Chinese characteristics and etiquette during business contact, the investment environment in China, etc. This course strives to develop the student's abilities to use Mandarin language successfully in a business environment.
Business Chinese Class Details:
Business I - Normal Class (More than one student), M.L.K. Center 303A, Chinese Volunteer Chenxi DU, Fee:425$/semester.
Business II - VIP Class (1 v 1), M.L.K. Center 303A, Chinese Volunteer Yabao WANG, Fee:50$/per.
For more information about any of the courses, please call (713) 313-5660 or email